The Military Rifle Shoot is a Service Rifle style of shoot with an emphasis on fun and personal improvement. Shooting is done at Figure 11 targets from standing, sitting/kneeling, and prone positions at varying distances and supports depending on the category. There is a pistol shoot following the rifle shoot as part of the event.

The dates for the 2024 season are as follows:

  • Sunday, June 02
  • Sunday, June 23
  • Sunday, July 28
  • Sunday, August 25 (Combat Shotgun)
  • Sunday, September 22
  • Sunday, October 27


  • Setup: 8:00am – 8:30am
  • Registration: 8:30am – 8:50am
    • PLEASE be on time for registration. We try our best to accommodate late-comers but may have to limit entries if all existing relays are at capacity. Thank you.
  • Orientation: 9:00am
  • First Relay: 9:10am

The categories are:

Rifle (100m-300m, 60 rounds):

  • Bolt Action
  • Battle Rifle
  • Assault Rifle
  • Advanced Combat Rifle

Sniper (300m-500m, 45 rounds, all prone):

  • Vintage Sniper
  • Open Sniper

Sub-Machine Gun (50m-150m, 60 rounds):

  • Vintage Sub-Machine Gun
  • Modern Sub-Machine Gun
  • Open Sub-Machine Gun

Pistol (10m-25m, 45 rounds):

  • Vintage Military Pistol
  • Modern Military Pistol
  • Open Pistol

For combat shotgun, the course of fire is 10 slugs and at least 25 buckshot.

Entry fee:
$5 per category, max 2 categories plus 1 pistol
$10 for Combat Shotgun


  • Rifle Range & Handgun Range A. Please be advised the Rifle Range and Handgun Range A are closed during this time.
  • Combat Shotgun: Reserve Range and Handgun Range B. Please be advised both the Reserve Range and Handgun Range B are closed during this time.

A club membership is not required, everyone is welcome! Guest passes are $5 for non-members (waived with more than 1 category entry, and Combat Shotgun).

Please contact Chris at [email protected] if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.