Nothing could dampen the shooting spirits of the 13 people participating in the first of hopefully many Maple Seed events at the Vernon Fish and Game range on Friday the 28th of June.
The course, which is an exceptional safety and positional shooting event, was attended by 9 adult shooters and 4 youth shooters ranging in age from 12 to 60+. Fundamentals, leading to advanced shooting positions were taught, with shooters firing about 350 to 400 rounds of 22 LR rounds down the 25 meter course to targets simulating ranges from 25 meters to 500 meters. Three shooters qualified for their Rifleman’s Badges.
The youth shooters all came away with a much better understanding of the art of shooting, what it involves, and the important safety factors behind it all. They did fantastic and congratulations to them all.
Rick Katigbak, a professional instructor from Montreal and one of the founding members of the Mapleseed Project, is someone that is very passionate about what he does, teaches, and wishes to see accomplished by the end of the day. Darren came from Kamloops to assist Rick in the event, to help in the positional demonstrations and Range Officer duties.
Thanks to VFGC member Don Aoki who lived with me at the range for the week prior to the shoot and was instrumental in all facets of getting this off the ground. Thanks to Ralph Berdan, Jake Flanders, and Don Hill for stepping in and providing the expertise as Range Safety Officers and help with everything that was needed at the shoot.
Thank you to the Vernon Fish & Game Club Board of Directors for seeing the need to do this, and following up on it. Also a huge thank you to our local sponsors, Del Selin’s Gunsmith, Fisher’s Hardware and Canadian Tire Pro Shop, without whom these events are much harder to coordinate.
We are working on a two day event for next year, on a Saturday and Sunday, with 12 shooters per event per day. Keep watching for the notices on the Website, Facebook page, and the announcements via the membership emails.
Once more, to all that attended, congratulations, and to all that helped to make it happen Thank You.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Wiggins, VFGC Director
See photos from the event in the photo gallery