Posts by: Vernon Fish & Game Club

2025 VFGC Banquet


Come join us at the 2025 Vernon Fish & Game Club Banquet, including a gourmet game meat buffet. A beef option will also be available.

The Banquet will be held at the Coldstream Community Hall on Saturday March 15th. Cocktails start at 4:30, dinner at 5:30. There will be a silent auction and raffles.

Tickets are $60 each, and can be purchased at Fisher’s Hardware and Meier’s Building Products. There are limited number of tickets available, so don’t delay!

Please note this is a cash-only event!

Check out our poster

2025 Memberships – Canada Post Strike Update


To all members,

Our clubs relies on Canada Post to send memberships out to our members, for both renewals and new memberships. As an interim measure, we are transitioning to sending membership details electronically via email.

Please note that you will still receive your membership card in the mail once Canada Post resumes circulation! At this time, when we receive your membership we will send a copy of your membership card as an attachment that can be printed out, as well as range access information for 2025.

Please be patient while we work out our new system and do our best to get renewals out to members in a timely fashion.

Thank you on behalf of the VFGC!

Mandatory Reporting for Moose and Caribou Licenses


Under new provincial regulations, every hunter who purchases a species license for moose or caribou is required to file a hunting activity report by January 15, 2025. This applies whether you hunted or not, whether you harvested an animal or not. If you purchased a tag, you must report your moose and caribou hunting activity for the government’s data set. 

We encourage hunters to provide hunting activity and harvest information.

2025 VFGC Memberships Are Now Available Online


All memberships are from January 1st to December 31st. 2024 memberships expire on December 31, 2024.

2025 memberships are now available online. New membership forms will be available at Del Selin’s Gunsmith, and Meier’s Building Products.

A valid 2025 membership will be required to continue to enjoy membership benefits including insurance coverage and access to the range after December 31st.

If you require a 2024 membership (expires December 31, 2024) please contact [email protected]

Membership Benefits

  • Membership in the BC Wildlife Federation, the largest and longest standing conservation group in BC
  • $2,000,000 Excess Third Party Liability Insurance including ATV use for hunting or fishing (for more information please see BCWF Membership Info, scroll to the bottom of the page for Frequently Asked Questions)
  • Subscription to BC Outdoors Magazine
  • Reduced rates at major hotels, and other special pricing discounts
  • Extra ATV coverage for pleasure use available at nominal cost

Please Note:
All individuals who use an ATV for hunting or fishing purposes are required to carry a certificate of insurance with them at all times. Members must carry their Vernon Fish and Game Club membership card as well as their current BC Wildlife Federation membership card to provide proof of ATV liability insurance.

Annual Awards & Game Banquet


The Vernon Fish & Game Club and thrilled to announce that we are planning to reinstate our annual awards and game banquet on March 15th, 2025!  More details will be announced in the new year, but mark this date in your calendars!

CWD Drop-off freezer now available in Vernon


We are pleased to announce that the Vernon Fish & Game Club, thanks to the generous support of our members and dedicated Board, have set up a local CWD drop-off freezer.

The freezer is located at: Meier’s Building Products, 8711 Kalamalka Road, Coldstream

The freezer is available 24/7 for hunters to drop off harvested cervid heads.

For more details on submitting samples, go to: Instructions for submitting harvest locations

Visit the surveillance and testing page to learn more about:  

Okanagan Region CWD Incentive Program 2024


The Okanagan Region of the BC Wildlife Federation (OKBCWF) is pleased to announce that we’re once again offering an incentive program with cool prizes for hunters that submit cervid heads for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) testing.

With the threat of CWD on our doorstep, and the latest positive case of CWD being north of Spokane Washington, we need at least 300 samples per year from Region 8 to have confidence that our region is CWD-free.

Thanks to the generous support of our OKBCWF member clubs and Westside Stores, we’re offering a free entry into a random draw for every 2024 Region 8 hunter-harvested cervid head (white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, and moose) that is submitted to an Okanagan drop-off location for CWD testing.

The Okanagan’s Regional CWD Coordinator will supply us with all the ear tag serial numbers from CWD samples submitted, from which three lucky winners will be randomly drawn. This will ensure your anonymity, as only contact information will be supplied to OKBCWF for the winners of our draw. The draw will be held in early 2025.

Eligible head samples will be collected from Okanagan drop-off locations, which can be found at:
Drop-off locations for testing

For more information, check our our poster. Members are encouraged to share this information with your network!

Chronic Wasting Disease surveillance and testing


Preventing the spread of CWD in B.C.

Chronic Wasting Disease has been confirmed in the Kootenay Region. New regulations are in place for the 2024 hunting season to support CWD surveillance and help to prevent the disease from spreading to new areas. Detailed information is available on the website in the link above; there are too many details to list here. Hunters are strongly encouraged to go to these links and review the information before hunting this season. Some of the new regulations include transportation restrictions and mandatory testing.

Be aware that there are mandatory submissions for CWD in highest-risk areas and voluntary submission everywhere else.

Submission of samples for CWD testing is mandatory for white-tailed & mule deer harvested in MUs 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6, 4-7, 4-8, 4-23, 4-24 and 4-25 within one week of harvest, but hunters are encouraged to provide samples after harvesting a deer anywhere in B.C.

Find a drop-off location near you

For more information go to: BCWF Chronic Wasting Disease Initiative

POSTER: CWD Response

The Vernon Fish and Game Club will be setting up a drop-off location for submission of samples. Anyone who has a freezer they could donate to the club is requested to contact Randy.

WEBINAR: Chronic Wasting Disease in B.C.


Tuesday, August 20th, 7:00PM

The first two positive cases of Chronic Wasting Disease have been detected in British Columbia. What now?

Join Cait Nelson, Wildlife Health Biologist at the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship, for this important webinar that will provide an update on CWD response and management in British Columbia.

Cait will be presenting on the following topics:

  • Understanding the outbreak
  • Importance of surveillance
  • What you need to know for this hunting season
  • Your role in CWD management

Registration is free:

BCWF Town Hall Meeting August 15th @ 7pm


Club members and public alike are all welcome to join us for the Town Hall meeting on August 15th at the Coldstream Community Hall. The meeting will start at 7pm.

This event is co-hosted by the Lumby Club and Vernon Club, to have representatives from the BCWF talk to us about the upcoming Provincial Election. Read below for details from the BCWF website, or go to:

Please save a copy of this poster and share with your network! This meeting is open to everyone.

Put Wildlife First

What to Expect

With a provincial election certain to be called this year, the B.C. Wildlife Federation is bringing your concerns to the top of the campaign agenda. BCWF will press each and every candidate to commit to a management and funding model that will conserve and protect wildlife, with science as its foundation.

We will insist that candidates and parties put wildlife first in their platform. We will engage with candidates, hold town halls, and encourage our members to vote with wildlife in mind. We will ensure that you know which candidates and parties are committed to independent, science-based resource management, with transparent, legislated objectives for improvement.

Too many of British Columbia’s iconic species are in decline, with populations of steelhead and caribou at risk of extinction. Vital habitat, watersheds, and wetlands are in peril and potentially catastrophic infestations of invasive species are barely at bay, threatening fragile ecosystems.

The proportion of B.C.’s budget allocated for natural resource management has been in decline for 50 years, leaving wildlife monitoring, management, and habitat restoration chronically underfunded. The BCWF is demanding change from elected officials before our iconic wildlife species disappear forever.