Okanagan Region CWD Incentive Program 2024

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The Okanagan Region of the BC Wildlife Federation (OKBCWF) is pleased to announce that we’re once again offering an incentive program with cool prizes for hunters that submit cervid heads for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) testing.

With the threat of CWD on our doorstep, and the latest positive case of CWD being north of Spokane Washington, we need at least 300 samples per year from Region 8 to have confidence that our region is CWD-free.

Thanks to the generous support of our OKBCWF member clubs and Westside Stores, we’re offering a free entry into a random draw for every 2024 Region 8 hunter-harvested cervid head (white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, and moose) that is submitted to an Okanagan drop-off location for CWD testing.

The Okanagan’s Regional CWD Coordinator will supply us with all the ear tag serial numbers from CWD samples submitted, from which three lucky winners will be randomly drawn. This will ensure your anonymity, as only contact information will be supplied to OKBCWF for the winners of our draw. The draw will be held in early 2025.

Eligible head samples will be collected from Okanagan drop-off locations, which can be found at:
Drop-off locations for testing

For more information, check our our poster. Members are encouraged to share this information with your network!