Rifle & Gift Card Raffle

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The Kelowna Fish & Game Club, in partnership with the clubs from the Okanagan Region BC Wildlife Federation are raffling a Christensen Arms Ridgeline Rifle 6.5 PRC rifle and $1000 Gift Card for Great North Precision. Approximate total value $3800.

All raffle proceeds will be donated to two worthy Okanagan Region projects; the Southern Interior Mule Deer Project, and the Okanagan Region’s new Chronic Wasting Disease Awareness Project.

Tickets are $20.00 each

Tickets are available at Meier’s Building Products during regular business hours, or contact Randy at 250-549-0936 / [email protected] , or Alison at [email protected]


Raffle sponsored by Kelowna & District Fish and Game Club
Ticket Sales by Okanagan Region 8 BCWF Clubs
Draw date: August 19, 2023 10:00 am @ 4041 Casorso Road, Kelowna BC
BC Gaming Licence # 141085

*Eligible winner must be 19+ and holder of a valid firearms Possession and Acquisition Licence

Prize: Christensen Arms Ridgeline Rifle 6.5 PRC plus $1000 Gift Card at Great North Precision. Approximate total value $3800

The Ridgeline is the quintessential hunting rifle. In 6.5 PRC, the rifle features a sporter stock, fibreglass w/carbon (black with grey webbing) and a stainless radial muzzle break (removable) built around a light contour Christensen Arms carbon fibre wrapped barrel (24″1/8″twist). https://christensenarms.com/ridgeline/